Tuesday 2 June 2015

Cycling Training Tips

I’m sure there are many people nursing sore leg muscles after this weekends Ride for Heart.  So I thought this might be a good time to discuss the muscle groups used in cycling and some strategies to prep yourself for an enjoyable summer of riding. 

Cycling uses these five major muscle groups: glutes, hip flexors, quads, hamstrings and calves.  The glutes, quads and calves are engaged on the pedal downstroke, while the hamstring and hip flexor are used on the pedal upstroke.  This picture captures which muscles and how those muscles are used while cycling quite well:    

If you want to become a better cyclist, I recommend adding in strength training exercises in the gym that target these muscle groups.  Excellent examples are squats, lunges, leg presses, quad extensions, hamstring curls, glute kickbacks and calf raises. 
Stretching each of these muscle groups before and after exercise will also help. 

Other tips more serious cyclists should consider for faster ride times include switching from traditional ‘open-style’ pedals, to the ‘clipped-in style’ pedals using cycling cleats. By clipping into your pedals you use your leg muscles more efficiently, especially on the upstroke of the pedal, translating into a smoother and faster ride.  It may take a little time to get used to clipping in and out before you stop, but muscle memory takes over with practice.  Clipping in is simple, using the front part of your foot, near the toes, to clip into the pedal (very similar to cross country skis), and twisting out with your heel when you want to unclip.  Now I can't imagine road racing without my cycling cleats: 

You should also consider getting a proper bike fitting from a pro-cycle shop.  Minor adjustments to things like seat position can ensure more aerodynamic body positioning, an efficient pedal stroke and prevent potential knee pain and other aches cyclists encounter after their long rides.     
Cycle Solutions, EnduroSport and D’Ornella’s bike shop all offer excellent professional service for cyclists ranging from recreational riders to competitive athletes in the GTA. 

So go grab your helmet and water bottles, and get out there and enjoy the cycling season while you can.  Happy riding everybody! 

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