Many of my clients come to me complaining of back pain, and they want to know what exercises they can do to help build a stronger back, thereby reducing back pain in the process.
In theses cases, I draw on my knowledge of yoga and pilates to outline a basic back strengthening program that most people can do at home.
I created 2 short videos where I clearly demonstrate each technique and you can find them here:
Back basics 1:
Back basics 2:
In the first exercise series, I outline 3 back and core focused exercises that are generally safe for most of the population to do, including those with common back conditions such as arthritis, as all these exercises keep the spine in a safe neutral position (e.g. no arching or extension).
Exercise 1 is bird-dog. Start by positioning yourself on your hands and knees. Then extend opposite arm and leg (e.g. right arm with left leg) into the air. Switch sides after 10-15seconds. Repeat 3 times per side. Remember to keep your spine in a straight, neutral position. Do not arch/extend your back.
Exercise 2 is the bridge. Start by lying on your back, knees bent. Then lift your hips into the air by squeezing your glutes up. Hold for 10-60sec, repeat 3 times.
Exercise 3 is the deadbug. Start by lying on your back, lift arms and legs, with knees bent, into the air, then alternate your arms and legs back and forth. Perform for 20-60sec, 3 times.
In the second exercise series, I outline 3 more back exercises that are slightly more advanced. They include some back extension, so if you have any pre-existing back conditions you may want to consult your doctor or exercise professional before attempting.
Exercise 4 is superpose. Start by lying on your tummy, with your arms and legs reaching out on the mat. Then lift arms and legs into the air, bringing your back into extension. Hold for 10sec, repeat 3 times.
Exercise 5 is the swan. Start by lying on your tummy, hands underneath your shoulders. Slowly lift your head and shoulders off the mat until your arms are straight. Slowly lower after 10 sec, repeat 3-5 times.
Exercise 6 is the mid-back row (you will need a thera-band for this one). Sitting up on the mat, take your thera-band and wrap them around your feet. Keep your legs and back straight, then row the band towards your body squeezing your back as your row. Do 12 reps of 3 sets.
Try these exercises 3-4 times a week and you should feel a noticeable difference in your back strength and discomfort. Remember life gets better when you have a strong back, so take this opportunity to take control of your back health.