Thursday 5 January 2017

Winter Run Commute

This is my first post of 2017, but this blog is not about a new year resolution.  I actually don't make new years resolutions, because if something is important to me I will not wait for some future date on a calendar to make a life change, I will start at that immediate point in time. There is no point in waiting. Waiting enables the negative practice of thinking that it can wait, thus belittling its significance, setting yourself up for an easy out in the future, which is not a good way to think.
That being said, let me get on with my actual blog...

This past December, at a time when most people turned to inside activities or the treadmill at the gym for their exercise, I decided to start run commuting to work. While many people shudder at the thought, its not actually that bad an idea when you list out the pros and cons.  

The weather forecast is freezing cold this time of year (see above for this mornings actual weather report).  Naturally I want to spend less time outside when the windchill is -17C.  So when I run commute, I spend less time outside freezing my butt off, compared to the time spent walking to work. I timed the actual difference - walking takes me 20-22min, while run commuting takes me 11-12min. I've successfully cut my work commute time in half!  This also means I get 10min more sleep time in the morning!  Its a bingo!
As an athlete in training for a spring marathon, I'm always looking for ways to sneak in some extra mileage that doesn't cut into my social life or sleep time.  My run-work commute cleverly sneaks in a 4km run during time that I was just leisurely walking anyway.  I've just effectively time-managed an important task in my day.

Its also important to consider that you burn more calories running than walking. According to my Garmin, during my 4km run commute today I burned 244 calories. That's going to add up over time and help get me to my desired racing weight (especially helping to shake off those few extra holidays treats over the last couple weeks).

With all those pros vs cons, it makes so much sense to run commute.  So bundle up and get out there! Conquer winter, simplify your life and make yourself an even better runner in the process.

Questions about winter running in general? Or a little unsure about the process? Check out my blog from last year about winter running (how to deal with the cold, ice, etc...)

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