Saturday, 31 January 2015

How to Run (Part 2)

Continuing with my How to Run blog series, here are the next 3 topics:  Strength Training, Running Gear, and Building Mileage.  

4) Strength Training for Runners

Basic strength and resistance training for the core and lower body muscle groups will make you a better runner, as the power for running comes from both your legs and your core. (I would be amiss if I failed to mention the importance of mental strength here as well. However, I find that comes more with experience than with dumb bells and resistance bands!) 

Lower body strength training should include squats, lunges, glute kickbacks, calf raises, quad extensions, hamstring curls and thigh adductions to build stronger running legs.  
Core strength training should include ab crunches, oblique twists, planks, bridges, push-ups, burpees, mountain climbers and stability ball exercises to build a stronger core. 

I also highly recommend yoga and pilates for stronger, more flexible running bodies.  Both practices strengthen your core, improve flexibility and develop focus & concentration, all important traits for runners. 

5) Proper Running Gear & Equipment (necessary vs trendy)

Shoes are the most essential piece of running gear you will ever own.  Opt for comfortable running shoes, that offer protection from the elements and high impact stress.  In my opinion, all the rest is hype and personal preference.  I recommend against over-padded sneakers that encourage poor running form by pampering the feet.  A minimalist running shoe that protects from the elements is all that is needed.  Consider that some of the best marathoners in the world were barefoot runners from the African highlands.  Its not the shoe, its the conditioning that makes the runner.  Although in downtown Toronto we must consider the road running environment a factor in shoe selection (e.g. hard, sharp surfaces coupled with cold, wet weather will influence your shoe choice).    

This would also be the appropriate time and place to refer back to the running form section in the previous blog.  If you are an over-pronator or over-supinator, and have difficulty correcting this, you may want to consider purchasing a running shoe that is specially designed for the wear and tear you will encounter. 

Besides shoes, there are endless assortments of running gear marketed to athletes of all levels: breathable/cooling/warming running gear, compression garments, activity trackers, heart rate monitors, MP3 players/ipods, hydration delivery systems, etc.  It seems the running gear for sale is limited only by imagination.  Most of these accessories make running more fun and trendy, but are not necessary for the average recreational jogger.  But they are undoubtably fun to play with in the process.  Explore these options but don’t get too caught up in all the hype.  Stick to the basics of training to make you a good runner, then accessorize for fun and entertainment.  When you’re ready to start racing more competitively your coach/trainer will give you advice on what products are worth investing in to improve your performance.  Most running days, I just take my ipod and wrist watch with me.  

6) Building Mileage Over Time 

New runners should start with a walk-to-run program. Walk for 10min to warm up, then alternate 2 minutes running with 2 minutes walking for up to 30minutes.  Aim to do this 3-4x/week.  Build up to continuous easy running over the next 2-3 weeks, gradually increasing running time and decreasing walking time each week. Follow this routine until you can run steadily for 30min.  

Experienced runners coming back from significant time off/injury should also start with a walk/run program. 
Week 1: walk 20min every other day for the first week to ensure your injury is fully healed.
Week 2: walk for 10min, alternate 2min run, 2min walk for 10min, doing this 3-4x/week. 
Week 3: double running time, but maintain walking time, for 3-4x/week.  
Week 4: you should be able to jog 20-30 min continuously, 3-4x/week. 

As a rule of thumb, it generally takes about a month of training to do a 5km, 2-3 months to train for a 10km, 6 months to train for a half-marathon (21.1km), and a year of training for a full marathon (42.2km). Slowly increasing your mileage over time will allow you to safely train your body to cover longer distances. Going too fast too soon will put you at risk for injury, and nobody wants that!   

Stayed tuned for next week, when I’ll post the third blog of the ‘How to Run’ series.  I’ll cover the last three topics: recovery techniques, prevention of common running injuries, and cross-training.   

Sunday, 25 January 2015

How to Run (Part 1)

Many people have asked for my advice on starting a running program.  Perhaps you've made a resolution to start running, or to learn how to run better, smarter, faster.  This year I’ve made a personal decision to tackle a new running distance, the half-marathon (21.1km). Considering this, writing a blog about several important running topics seems to be fitting.  Therefore, over the next few weeks, I’ll be posting a series of blogs on running, covering the following pertinent topics: 

1. Stretching 
2. Proper running form 
3. Nutrition & hydration
4. Strength training for runners
5. Proper equipment (necessary vs. trendy)
6. Building up mileage (how to increase over time)
7. Recovery techniques 
8. Common injuries & prevention
9. Cross-training

This week I’ll discuss the first 3 topics: 1) stretching, 2) proper running form, 3) nutrition and hydration. 

1. Stretching

Its important to stretch both before and after your run.  Stretching before your run will help loosen up tense muscles and prevent injuries.  It will increase blood flow to the muscles helping them work harder and increase synovial fluid on the joints, protecting them from injury. Stretching after your run will help increase flexibility and ROM (range of motion). 
The key muscles to stretch are the gluteals, adductors (inner thighs), hamstrings (back of thighs), quads (front of thighs), hip flexors and calves.  Hold each stretch for at least 15 seconds and take a deep breath in each position.  

Refer to my blog “Why you should warm-up and stretch” (dated Aug 13, 2014) for more info on this topic. 

2. Proper Running Form

The key to running well is to maintain proper form.  In this section I’ll cover the most common errors in running form and how to correct them.  If you’re unsure how to check your own form consider getting a running analysis from a personal trainer or professional running sales outfitter.  Having a friend videotape you running for a few minutes might also be insightful to review and analyze.   

The key form topics to review include: a) foot strike position (heel vs toe strike), b) how your feet turn when they strike (over-pronation), c) stride length (over-striding), and d) wasteful movement.  
  1. Foot strike - to avoid stress injuries to your joints and feet, ensure your foot strikes the ground on the ball of the foot and rolls up onto the toes, never striking the ground with your heel. Your body is less able to absorb shock through the joints when heel striking, which will eventually lead to knee problems. Retraining your foot landing is necessary for heel-strikers. Your trainer can give you tips on how to do this. 
  2. Pronation/Supination - turning the foot in or out when running. Over-pronators roll in at their knees causing stress on the arch of the foot.  Over-supinators roll outwards and often end up with shin pain and stress fractures.  Check for wear on the edge of your shoes for evidence of pronation/supination and see a sports therapist for proper running shoe fitting if this occurs.  Your knees should always stay properly aligned with your heels and hips when running. 
  3. Over-striding - stride length is also important.  If you over-stride you risk injury (muscle strain) and exhaustion (essentially, you’re trying too hard). Run at a natural stride, and speed will come naturally with training. Think about stepping forward like you would when walking, not while lunging. 
  4. Wasteful Movement - Run tall with your upper body/torso upright, you shouldn’t be leaning either forward for backward. Keep your arms tucked into your sides, slightly swinging with momentum from your core.  Try to minimize any up and down bobbing motion.
To help illustrate good vs poor running form I’ve posted 2 pictures of myself. One was from one of the best runs of my life, and the other was from a race that was one of my worst.  The first one you can see my body was upright, arms tight, legs and knees aligned and foot striking properly.  It was a good strong finish.  The latter I’m completely exhausted, swaying my arms wildly, looking knock-kneed and foot striking with the heel.   You don’t want to finish weak like that.  I keep those pictures handy to remind myself to maintain proper form. 

3. Nutrition & Hydration

You need energy to run, and the most accessible energy your body uses while running comes from carbohydrates.  Runners should regularly consume a healthy diet of whole grains and complex carbohydrates to fuel their runs.  Avoid over-processed carbs (e.g. refined, polished, white, with chemical additives), instead aim for the natural, whole and brown.  
My favourite breakfast before running would be oatmeal and fruit (e.g. apples, peaches, bananas, melons).  Lunches and dinners should include brown rice, multigrain breads, whole grain pastas, starchy vegetables (e.g. potatos, yams, turnips, carrots, beets, peas, green beans). 
Protein is also important, but more so after your run.  To repair and rebuild your muscles lean protein is required from your diet.  Excellent protein sources include: Dairy sources (eggs, yogurt, cheese, milk), Vegetarian sources (quinoa, soya, legumes, nuts), Meat sources (fish, poultry, beef).  Try to get a serving of protein within an hour of finishing your run. 

Staying hydrated while running is also very important for overall performance.  It is necessary to help you avoid cramps, fatigue and dizziness. Avoid chugging water before or during your run to avoid stomach stitches. Instead take small sips of water at regular intervals to maintain hydration.  As a general rule of thumb, I recommend drinking a cup of water (250ml/8oz) each half hour of moderate exercise. Double that for vigorous exercise or if exercising in hot/humid conditions. 

Some more tips to avoid dehydration while running include:
  • running early in the morning or later in the evening when the temperature is cooler
  • pick a running route that is shaded or indoors on really hot days
  • drink a bottle of water before bed the night before your running days
  • carry fluids with you in a hydration belt
  • consider sport drinks or adding electrolytes to your water if you sweat excessively  
  • pouring water over your head may lower perception of effort
  • wear a hat to shade your head and face

Refer to my Carb Loading Blog (dated Aug 1, 2014) for more info on this topic, especially for your long runs. 

Stayed tuned for next week, when I’ll post the second blog in the 'How to Run' series.  
I’ll be covering the next three topics: 4) Strength training for runners, 5) Running gear/equipment, and 6) Mileage.  

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Training Tunes Playlist 2015

Last year (in my Jan 15th, 2014 blog) I posted my top twelve training tunes.  Now that a new year is upon us I thought I would add some new ones to keep your ipod stocked with tunes to keep you going. 
Not all these songs have been newly released in the last year, some are quite a few years old actually, but re-discovering a great song the second time around can also be a wonderful experience.  
They’re a mix of hip-hop, dance and heavy rock - all with a beat to keep your feet moving through your hardest workout, and to help you stick to your new years fitness resolutions. 
For those of you who know me well, you’ll understand how I couldn’t help adding in the Iron Maiden and Rush songs as I’ve been training for a half-marathon this spring ;) 

My playlist for 2015:

1. Understand Why (Key N Krates)
2. Keep It 100 (Grandtheft & Keys N Krates)
3. Guts Over Fear (Eminem & Sia)
4. Beautiful Pain (Eminem & Sia)
5. Centuries (Fall Out Boy)
6. Marathon (Rush)
7. Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (Iron Maiden) 
8. Body Moving (Beastie Boys)
9. Rather Be (Clean Bandit)
10. Hideaway (Kiesza)

Best inspirational video awards goes to both ‘Understand Why’ and ‘Guts Over Fear’.   
Definitely worth a watch before heading off to the gym when you need help digging a little deeper.  

Check out this video on YouTube:
Understand Why - Keys N Krates

Check out this video on YouTube:
Guts Over Fear - Eminem & Sia


Friday, 2 January 2015

New Years Resolutions

It's January, that time of year again, when people start declaring their new years resolutions. 
Most people have the best of intentions when they pick a new years resolution, but often come up with an idea that is unrealistic and unattainable because it is usually too vague, or overly ambitious, lacking a realistic plan and the long term motivational boosts needed when overcoming a major obstacle.  Sadly, most new years resolutions are given up on a few weeks after their enthusiastically hope-filled declaration on new years day.  

But that doesn’t have to be so this year.  The key to picking a new years resolution that you’ll actually be able to stick to and accomplish is ensuring it is a SMART goal.  And by SMART I mean:
S - specific
M - measurable
A - action oriented
R - realistic
T - timed

An example of a SMART new years resolution might be “I want to become a better runner this year by running the Yonge St 10km this April.” It specifically states the sport, event and distance goal for the resolution.   You can measure your progress by the distance you run each week in training for the goal event.  Its action oriented because you know you have to train/run in order to meet your goal.  Its realistic because it is a local event and within a reasonable fitness level. Finally, its timed because there is a set date for the event, from which a training schedule can be devised.  

Besides ensuring your resolution is SMART, there are a few other tips I can suggest to help you stick to your resolutions this year:
  • It helps to tell others about it. Make a public announcement on Facebook or tell friends and family at dinner, the shame of failure is often quite a motivating force.
  • Pick a partner to help keep you accountable.  You’ll be less likely to skip a workout if you know your buddy is counting on you. 
  • Make it personal. Pick a resolution that has significant emotional meaning to you.  When you have those inevitable moments when you begin to struggle, remembering the emotional reason behind the resolution can help you dig a little deeper and help you keep going.   
  • Hiring a personal trainer can also help you meet your goals by drawing on their experience and expertise. Remember its their job to help you succeed! 
Whatever your resolutions are this year, I hope you pick them SMARTly! 
If you need any help with your fitness goals, remember there are many support options out there to help you stick to them - including your personal trainer.  
Good luck and all the best for 2015!!