Tuesday, 1 January 2019

How to Make a Successful New Years Resolution

Its that time of year again, Jan 1st, when we all begin to think about how we want to make this year better than last year, therein coming up with a New Years resolution.   Sadly, most people who make resolutions give up on them within 3-4 weeks.  But not this time!  Because I am going to give you tips to make your resolution stick and become a healthy lifestyle habit. 
Tip 1: Only pick one goal.  It is much easier to focus on one goal at a time. If you try to change too many bad habits at once you’re probability of success decreases. 

Tip 2: Choose a goal this is time realistic for your schedule. Will it honestly fit into your busy life? For example, people resolve to exercise one hour everyday. However, with their commute times, work schedules and family commitments that may not be possible.  Thirty minutes may be a more realistic time commitment. When people fail to make the 60min every day they often quit the entire exercise program out of frustration. However, when exercising for 30min fits into their life better they stay with it long term and see success. 

Tip 3: Be accountable.  Hire a personal trainer or coach.  Use the buddy system for your runs or gym sessions.  Announce your plans to friends and family on social media.  All these people will hold you accountable for your actions.     

Tip 4: Get organized & prioritized.  We all have the same 24 hours in the day, so why is it that some people get their workouts in and others do not?  Organized people tend to manage their time better and get more things done.  I find it helpful to keep an agenda of things to do the next day and cross each off the list when completed.  Allot a certain amount of time to each task.  Have the task list done the night before so when you get up you are focused and ready to go.  Do not stay up late watching TV so you are too tired for your morning workout.  Prioritize each activity and decide which is more important to you and how much of your life is worth spending on it.    

Tip 5: Remember to keep your goal SMART!
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Realistic
T - Timely
Losing weight is a very vague goal.  A smarter approach would be saying I would like to lose 10 pounds by June 1st and I will attain this by running three times a week and cutting out late night snacking. 

No matter what your goals are in the coming year (e.g. better sleep, losing weight, learning to run faster, less screen time, more nature time), your chances of success increase if you make your goal SMART and have a plan to guide you.  
If you want any advice on meeting your goals this year feel free to contact me. I’d love to help you on to the path to success. 

Happy New Year!! All the best for 2019!! 