Monday, 31 July 2017

I'm so tired

It has been a really busy summer.  I have not gone two months without blogging before, and when I looked at the calendar and realized tomorrow is going to be the first day of August I started to feel guilty. I haven't blogged since May.  I've been neglecting even my blog.  Something that I've always enjoyed doing.

Bluntly put, Ironman training has been such a huge time commitment.  When I initially signed up, I knew there would be a lot of training for it, but the toll it has been taking on my social life, sleep and relationships has been more than I realized.  I'm lucky to have such patient friends, family and even clients for putting up with my training schedule.

It feels like my entire life this spring/summer has been revolving around Ironman Mont Tremblant (IMMT) on Aug 20.  Indeed it has.  After the Boston Marathon in April, I've continued to plan and execute events to work towards my goal of completing an Ironman.  In May, I completed the Ride for Heart for my first 100km bike ride of the year, then in June I did the Welland long course triathlon (2km swim, 56km bike, 15km run).  I followed this up in July with even longer distance bike rides (including several trips up to Muskoka to train on the hills - my training ride last weekend included a 175km very hilly bike ride), as well as many hours in the pool and open water swim training in Lake Ontario down at Cherry Beach, where my last swim was the full 3.8km distance.

The Welland long course triathlon - running the fitness path.

The training brick I did last weekend in Muskoka

Normally I would have blogged about each of these training events, but just like the blog is titled, I'm so tired.  Typically, I finish my training and then drink a cold can of cider in celebration, only to fall asleep on my couch, before eventually crawling into bed, but only after my cat has pawed me awake from my sleep because I had forgotten to feed him.  My cat is not as patient as the others in my life.

Thankfully, I officially start my taper today.  This period of reduced training mileage should allow me to catch up on some rest and what remains of my social life, and hopefully some more insightful and meaningful blogging than what I've done thus far this summer.  I just have to remind myself that this short term sacrifice will all be worth it on race day, when I will, hopefully, finally, have achieved one of my most significant lifetime fitness goals.

So please be patient with me.  I'm working hard, and have less than 3 weeks to go.   I'm going to stay focussed, and of course, make an effort to share my journey with you all as well.  But for now, I'm going to feed my cat, then go to sleep, because I'm so tired.