Sunday, 14 December 2014

The Twelve Days of Fitness

If you can’t make it to the gym for your regular workouts over the holidays, you can always try this 'twelve days of fitness' workout in your living room. These twelve workout moves will challenge your core stabilizers, blast calories and keep your metabolism revved even if you can't make it to the gym.  Never miss a workout!  

12 burpees burping
11 jumping jacks
10 mountain climbers climbing
9 dead-lifts lifting
8 sumo’s squatting
7 lunges lunging
6 push-ups pushing
5 medicine ball tosses
4 oblique twisters 
3 woodchoppers chopping
2 bicep curls
1 plank on a yoga mat


And feel free to treat yourself to a candy cane afterwards, at only 50 calories a piece, its a christmas treat that will definitely keep you off the naughty list.  Unlike the misleading holiday fruitcake, which would blow your holiday workout, weighing in at 300 calories (3oz).  


Merry Fit-mas everyone!!!