Thursday, 31 October 2013

Heart Healthy Halloween

When asked to think of Halloween we often conjure up images of cold weather, scary costumes and bags full of teeth rotting, calorie dense candies.  All things unconducive to our fitness routine.  But I think its about time we revamp Halloween tradition.  I took part in two rather unconventional, but really fun events this Halloween that can help turn this snacking holiday into a more fit festival. 

The first was the Zombie Walk & Halloween Parade held in downtown Toronto, Sat, Oct 26, [ ]. While walking might not seem too difficult, its one of the simplest things we can do to contribute to our good health.  Walking the streets along the parade route, dressed up in your costume is a fun and easy way to burn off some of those extra Halloween treats.  This year I even saw teams of zombies from the Heart and Stroke Foundation riding a group bicycle through the city core.  Then after the 5km parade route everybody gathered in the town square to “boo”-gey down to the band. Good times were had by all.    

The second event was the 5km Run for your Lives, held in Riverdale Park East, Sunday, Oct 27, [ ]. This event was much more intense.  It was a 5km all terrain course, riddled with 20 zombie filled obstacles that you had to run, dash, zig-zag, use team work and emergency problem solving skills to pass through. Completing hill sprints while being chased by zombies is a definite intense cardio workout, not for the faint of heart.  But this event was unique not just for the zombies, but also for its collaboration with the Heart & Stroke Foundation.  There were obstacles that taught the basics of CPR and emergency procedure that could actually save a live (or as they say in zombie terms: make you undead ;)  The exercise and education provided in the 5km Run for your Life made it a heart healthy Halloween event in my opinion. Truly fun for children of all ages.    

So next year make some new Halloween traditions for yourself and your family, renewing your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. 

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Core Essentials - The Plank

When working on your core, one of the best and simplist moves I can think of is the plank.  It requires no equipment at all,  just a floor mat for comfort if desired.  It alone can be an excellent core exercise, and once perfect form is achieved, with a few adjustments the difficulty level can be increased for a more thorough core workout.  I've attached an illustation of this move that everybody should be practicing.  Remember - the most common error in form I see people making is lifting their glutes up in the air.  Keep them tight, low and level.